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Environment Education Victoria

Beyond Net Zero for Large Independent Schools

Tue, 23 May 2023
3:45 PM - 4:45 PM

Join us for our term 2 meeting, after an inspiring in-person meeting at Camberwell Grammar in term 1. Bring along your initiatives, achievements, challenges, hurldes and quetions, and together we'll brainstorm, inspire, and support each other. Let us know if you have something that you'd like us to present on, or if you would like to run a presentation yourself. We'll also briefly plan for the next in-person meeting for term 3.


Whether you're at the beginning of your sustainability journey or already commited to reaching net zero, you will find support and ideas. Network facilitators are also delivery partners for the international award winning ResourceSmart Schools program and can support you with that program, as it compliments this network perfectly.

If you haven't been invited to be part of this network but are interested, contact us with your enquiry.


For any questions about this event, contact Nerida (from EEV) at resourcesmart@eev.vic.edu.au

or Annette (from EASL) at A.Anderson@yarraranges.vic.gov.au


This network is coordinated by the Eastern Alliance for Sustainable Living (EASL) and Environment Education Victoria (EEV).

Ticket Type Price
Free online ticket By invite only. For large, independent schools in Victoria.<br> $0.00 Sale Ended

1 Tripovich Street, BRUNSWICK, Victoria, 3056, Australia

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