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Environment Education Victoria

Term 1 TEN: Teaching Sustainability through music with Jess Gold & Waste Ed with Bec Rigby

Wed, 29 Mar 2023
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Join musician Jess Gold, as she offers insight, and workshop outlines for incorporating music into environmental education.  Jess will also offer 6 months of free access to the Project Earth Rock program for all members. 

We will also hear from Hobson's Bay Resource Recovery Officer, Rebecca Rigby. Rebecca will share details of the many waste education opportunities in the Hobson's Bay area. 

Lastly, we'll have a chance to hear from Katherine Balson from FEAST and network with each other: what's working well at your school? What isn't? How are you embedding RSS into the curriculum? 

We can't wait to see you at the first Teacher Environment Network of the year! 

Image: Project Earth Rock

Please email silkom@eev.vic.edu.au for more information. 




4:05 pm
Welcome & Acknowledgement of Country
4:15 pm
Jess Gold: Music and Environmental Education
4:45 pm
How could we incorporate these things in your setting?
4:55 pm
Rebecca Rigby: Waste Education in Hobson's Bay - Excursions and Incursions
5:10 pm
Katherine Balson (FEAST)
5:20 pm
Summary, RSS, and close
Ticket Type Price
Term 1 TEN Ticket $0.00 Sale Ended

1 Tripovich Street, BRUNSWICK, Victoria, 3056, Australia

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