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Environment Education Victoria

Term 2 RSS Workshop : Water savings, education, & World Oceans Day

Tue, 30 May 2023
3:45 PM - 5:00 PM

Come along and learn all things water in the RSS program and to get you inspired ahead of World Oceans Day.  We've got a line up of guest presenters:

- SWEP (Schools Water Efficiency Program)

- Marine & Freshwater Discovery Centre (part of the Victorian Fisheries Agency)

- Leading RSS teachers from two schools sharing their experiences and ideas for the water module, including the fascinating, hands-on projects they've been involved in

A link to join this online session will be sent closer to the date.

To attend this workshop, you need to be a participating school in the ResourceSmart School program in the Western Metro region or the Barwon South West region.  If you're not sure if your school is participating, ask Nerida, EEV's RSS Coordinator, on resourcesmart@eev.vic.edu.au


Ticket Type Price
Educator ticket to attend RSS Term 2, 2023 Water Workshop Term 2, 2023 Progress Workshop - Join the virtual meeting here: https://v.ringcentral.com/join/242036930 $0.00 Sale Ended

1 Tripovich Street, BRUNSWICK, Victoria, 3056, Australia

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